Business Insurance Adviser
Hi. I’m Tracey.
Prefer a coffee and chat to reading a website? No problem, just get in touch. I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your situation.
My service is 100% FREE to you.
Tracey Verrankamp
Business Insurance Services
Keep Your Business Going, No Matter What
I’ll help you to develop a strategy so that you’re prepared for the unfortunate loss of a key team member, property, or heaven forbid, you as the owner.
And don’t pay a cent
As far as you’re concerned, you get our time, advice, expertise and service all for FREE. Our insurance partners, who are all the best in the business, cover our costs.
For personalised solutions
I’ll take a close look at your unique circumstances, pair it with my experience and knowledge of the business insurance industry, and provide a solution tailored to protect you, your people, and your business interests.